Aquadesk@aquadeskHow to get a virtual fish with RakugakiAR apprakugakiARAR appvirtual fishfish artfish drawingrakugaki araquadesk sticker Have you ever wanted to have a virtual fish? Then, you are in the right place to learn how to get one for yourself! 1 Buy aquadesk fish sticker (actually, you can do with any fish art but to keep it cool, use aquadesk stickers) 2 Buy iOS app called rakugaki ar. it's just a dollar :) h
eFISHient@efishientDrawing Discus - procreate app (Blue scorpion discus)Drawingfishkeeping artdiscusblue discusprocreateI am a software engineer but I have a little bit of artist blood in my body. My mom majored in art painting and is a member of korean-art association. My brother majored in industrial design and is working in the domain. I wasn't bad at art at all but I liked engineering more. But I would
eFISHient@efishientAquadesk Contribution guidelinePhoto contribution Common rejection reasons Blurry photo object too small photo shows only part of the body wrong photo orientation image too small (pixelized photo) unverified content owner too much photo filter Acceptance criteria clear photo entire body shot no photo filter centered obje
eFISHient@efishientThe right way to choose tank size fishkeepertank sizefish tankguidebeginner “In order to breed fish in a small tank (less than 20 gallon), you need to be an experienced fish keeper. Novice fish keepers need to start with at least a 39 gallon fish tank.” A lot of people choose to learn through trial and error when learning something new. That might work when caring
eFISHient@efishientWhat is wrong with my tank? beginnerguidefishkeepingsick fishfix my tankIs your fish, shrimp or snail suddenly acting weird? Is it showing the following symptoms? Is the fish rubbing its body on the substrate, plants or tank wall? Is the fish trembling or suddenly and rapidly swimming off? Is the fish breathing rapidly with only one side of their gills? Is the body whi
eFISHient@efishientThe beauty of fasting, overfeeding, underfeeding feedingover feedingunder feedingfishkeepingbasicWhat is overfeeding? A lot of people start their fishkeeping hobby by being mesmerized by the fish's beauty and cuteness. This first stage is the time when people are most passionate yet the most ignorant. The most common mistake that novice fishkeepers make is overfeeding. Most peopl
eFISHient@efishientHow to acclimate your fish, shrimp, and snail AcclimationGuideBeginnerFishKeeperWhy do you need to acclimate your fish? Water that the fish was packed in and your aquarium water has different parameters such as temperature, pH and salinity. Acclimating correctly can reduce the risk of shock to your new fish thus increasing its chance of survival. Different types of accl